We choose to be a church of Spirit-led, grace-filled people. Our goal is to empower new disciples to share the faith.
We preach Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life, and our soon-returning King.
He is the focal point for all we do.
Jesus Christ works in and through us to fulfill His commission to Go, Teach, Baptize.
Read about the plan in Matthew 28:18-20
We were created as people for whom God has a plan. In this life, we experience joy and pain, elation and suffering, but God is NEVER caught off guard by any of these things. He gives us the strength to cope when we trust Him.
We are not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believe.
When the Gospel is declared, amazing things happen.
Lives are changed, hardened idolatries flee the human heart. Healing and restoration takes place, and forgiveness changes everything.
Worship is far more than 'lights, camera, action'
every Sunday morning. It's intimate time spent
in the presence of the Creator of heaven and earth,
time with the one who created us.
It's not a performance, it's a choice.
It's not even a feeling.
It's holy fire.
Let it burn within you.
Come worship the One who died in our place.